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Home > Europe Market > CE-ROHS 2.0 Instruction >

Introduction & process

Introduction & process
CE mark stands for the product applicable to European Standards or Differences. It can be Self-declaration by manufacturer according to European Standard. Today, it is the mandatory mark for entering the European Market (including EU, Norway, Island and Liechtenstein).
Directives are the legal requirements for certain categories of products, including the basic healthy and safety requirement. Before posting the CE mark, all the directives should be met. The manufacturer could choose the evaluation method by self. At present, the EU has issued more than 20 CE directives. Products should post the CE mark and provide the relative technical document before going into its market.
Harmonized Standards
The easiest way to meet the directives is by European Harmonized Standards. If a particular product complies with the Harmonized Standards, it means that it also complies with the relative directives。
Declaring conformity:
Many directives can be self-declared by manufacturer. However, some directives require manufacturer to test and certify the product in a Notified body, or to inspect its quality system by Notified body。
European Union (EU) include 27 European countries:
法国  France   联邦德国Germany   意大利Italy     荷兰Netherlands
比利时Belgium   卢森堡   Luxemburg 英国    England  丹麦     Denmark   爱尔兰
Ireland  希腊     Greece 西班牙   Spain   葡萄牙Portugal    塞浦路斯Cyprus
匈牙利Hungary 捷克victory      爱沙尼亚Estonia 拉脱维亚Latvia   立陶宛
Lithuanian 马耳他Malta  波兰Poland 斯洛伐克Slovakian    斯洛文尼亚Slovenian
奥地利Austria     瑞典Sweden 芬兰Finland  保加利亚Bulgaria罗马尼亚Rumania


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